Hacks That Can Help You Save Money on Groceries

20 Hacks To Help You Save Money On Groceries


Jul 11, 2022

Lately, we’ve been getting to the supermarket checkout and trying not to grimace when we see the final total.

The cost of living has taken a sharp increase, with the The Australian Bureau of Statistics saying the price of food has gone up 4.3% in the year to March 2022 and the official inflation rate has taken its biggest jump in years.

Our money isn’t stretching as far as it once was and a lot of people are feeling the crunch when it comes to putting food on the table – even more so for low-income households, students, part-time workers, large families or families that rely on one income.

While some things in life are nice-to-haves you can easily live without, food is a necessity, and knowing how to successfully eat healthy and do your grocery shopping on a budget can be key! Here are 20 tricks to help you get more bang for your buck at the checkout.

How To Save Money On Groceries

1. Make a weekly meal plan

Before you go shopping, make a plan of what meals you’re going to cook for the week. This makes your trip to the supermarket much easier and reduces the temptation or need to order a takeaway later in the week. You’ll also save time and money on petrol if you don’t have to make any extra trips!

2. Make your meals from scratch

For some people, a meal plan includes pre-made meals or meal kits. While these are great for convenience, they tend to be more expensive than if you cooked from scratch.

If cooking doesn’t come naturally to you, try and seek out recipes that are beginner-friendly, such as one-pot dishes or easy and nutritious salads you can throw together with minimal prep.

3. Check out what’s on special in advance

Look online before you hit the shops to check out any weekly specials, especially in the fresh produce and meat departments if you eat meat. You can then base your meals around these cheaper items, as opposed to choosing your meals only to arrive at the supermarket and realise the ingredients you need will stretch your budget.

4. Double check what you’ve got

Before you do your weekly shop, check your fridge, freezer and pantry to avoid buying things you already have or throwing out food that will go off soon. If you have any items left over from the previous week, try to base meals around those ingredients first.

Keeping an eye on your fresh produce during the week is also a good idea. If something is starting to go off, switch up your meal plan to use that ingredient first. Throwing out food is like throwing your money away!

5. Buy seasonally

The same principle applies here! Fresh produce that’s in season tends to be cheaper and taste a whole lot better than fruit and veggies that are out of season. Keeping a list on your fridge of what’s in season throughout the year can also make buying and planning easier.

How To Save Money On Groceries

6. Make your list and stick to it

One of the easiest ways to overspend at the supermarket is to buy things you don’t need or things that weren’t on your list. There are some great shopping list apps that allow you to categorise your list by section or aisle to save you time and money on unnecessary items! Sticking to your list also means you’re less likely to waste food.

7. Make your meals in bulk

If you choose recipes that only make 1-2 servings, chances are you’re going to have to buy more ingredients and spend more. Choosing recipes that make at least four servings means having to buy less and you’ll also have leftovers to eat the next day or be able to pop a meal or two in the freezer to grab when you’re low on time.

Hate eating the same thing twice? Get creative with your leftovers! Many leftovers can be turned into pasta dishes, stir fry, risotto, pizza, wraps, sandwiches, salads, or a frittata.

8. Avoid fancy ingredients and find clever swaps

If a recipe calls for a special ingredient – perhaps saffron, gourmet seasonings, produce that isn’t in season, or something that would require a trip to a specialty shop – try and think of a substitute (or Google it)!

If fresh herbs or spice blends are expensive (or you only need a small amount for one dish), consider buying individual dried herbs instead. Frozen fruit and vegetables are also a great option if your budget doesn’t allow you to buy everything fresh.

How To Save Money On Groceries

9. Try shopping online

Doing your weekly shop online allows you to track your total spend as you go and remove any items from your cart before you get to the checkout if you’re trying to stick to a budget.

Checking your supermarket app or website each week can also be a great way to keep an eye on the top new specials, rather than having to look through every aisle.

10. Look at the unit cost

When comparing products from different brands, compare the price per unit rather than the overall price. This is often in a smaller print and shows the price per 100g. The total price of a product from brand A might be more expensive than brand B, but the value per 100g might be lower – meaning better value for money!

11. Try to buy your staples in bulk or on sale

Have a think about what products are staples in your household and try to buy them in bulk or when they’re discounted. Buying an item simply because it’s on sale isn’t a good strategy for saving money, but if it’s something you top up regularly, this can save you money in the long run.

This could be dried grains, toiletries, tinned food, frozen produce or meat. Toiletries and cleaning products can be expensive, so make sure you keep an eye on any sales that are happening in that aisle, too!

Keeping track of the usual price of your staple items (popping them in your phone can be an easy way to remember this) can also help. This way, you can quickly check if the price is cheaper or more expensive than what you would usually pay!

12. Research rewards programs

Some supermarkets, grocers and farmers markets offer rewards programs, such as discounts for spending certain amounts or access to special deals and offers for members.

13. Explore local options

See what’s nearby in terms of small produce shops, butchers and farmers markets. These aren’t guaranteed to be cheaper than big supermarkets, but they’re worth checking out as they may have different deals.

Some small grocers and markets have fresh produce boxes for cheap prices, end-of-day sales where produce might otherwise go to waste, or you might be able to negotiate a cheaper price if you’re buying in bulk which you definitely can’t do at a supermarket!

How To Save Money On Groceries

14. Go vego!

Incorporating some plant-based meals into your weekly meal plan can reduce your weekly grocery spend. Vegetarian or vegan dishes can be super delicious and nutritious, or you can simply buy a smaller portion of meat and bulk up your meals with legumes for plant-based protein.

Lentils are a great addition to bolognese while black beans go great in Mexican dishes, and chickpeas are delicious in curry!

15. Forget brand loyalty

You might have some brands you prefer (or brands you prefer to avoid), but being flexible with the brands you buy definitely gives you more options. Supermarket home brands are also much cheaper and often you can’t even notice a difference in quality.

This also applies to supermarket brands in general! Research which supermarket in your city or area is the cheapest or try shopping around for staples and compare your receipts.

16. Grow and make your own

If you have a garden and can grow some of your own vegetables, amazing! If you only have a small balcony, you could still try growing fresh herbs or sprouts.

Look at your shopping list and see if there’s anything you could save money on by making yourself. This could be hummus and dips, stock, jam, breads and baking. Of course, not everyone has the time to do this (and it’s not always cheaper), but it’s something to consider, especially if you enjoy spending time in the kitchen!

How To Save Money On Groceries

17. Pick the best time to shop

Not shopping when you’re hungry can make a huge difference and another clever trick is to ask the supermarket staff what days or times they restock the shelves so you can plan your trips for the times when you’ll have the most choice.

When the shelves are bare and the discounted items are already sold out, you either leave empty-handed or are forced to buy at whatever price is left.

18. Ditch single-use and go for reusable

In the cleaning department, invest in some sponges and cleaning cloths rather than paper towels or wipes, containers rather than plastic wrap, and recycle or compost as much as possible to reduce your use of garbage bags.

19. Be aisle savvy

This goes for more than just avoiding aimlessly wandering down the snack aisle each week (we’ve all been there) or resisting temptation at the checkout. Aisles labelled “health food” are often organic or premium brands that come with a higher price tag.

Giving the drinks aisle and alcohol section a miss is another great way to reduce your spending. Drinking less alcohol can save you a lot of money, as can minimising fizzy drinks, soda water, energy drinks, juice, coffee and tea. Water is always a good option, or buy coffee or tea in bulk and when it’s on sale.

20. Become a storage queen

Knowing how to store your food properly can make it last longer and also reduce the amount you throw away. According to Food Bank Australia, an estimated THIRD of all food produced is lost or wasted. Here are some storage tips to help you get more out of your weekly shop:

  • Keep open packets in airtight containers
  • Store fruit and veg in bags in the produce section of your fridge
  • Store carrots in containers of water
  • Put herbs in the fridge in a jar or vase of water like flowers
  • The same goes for broccoli! Keep the stalk submerged in a jar or mug of water
  • Freeze meat, produce and leftovers that you won’t eat for a while
  • If buying in bulk, put any food you’re wanting to put aside for later in the freezer on the date of purchase. Just remember to write the date on it so you remember when to use it by
  • Put a paper towel inside bags of opened salad to absorb moisture and prevent wilting
  • Store potatoes in a dark, cool place
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Do you have any secret money-saving tips when you do your grocery shopping? Share them with the Sweat Community on our Forum.

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.

Online Grocery Shopping and Healthy Living

We’ve got the hack to scoring cheap and good-for-you grub on Amazon!

When you’re trying to stock your fridge with healthy foods, your efforts can often slim down your wallet before they do the same to your waistline. So why take a trip to the grocery store in hopes of scoring a massive sale when Amazon.com is just a few clicks away?

Thanks to services such as Amazon Prime, Prime Pantry, and Amazon Fresh, you can add everyday essentials to your cart and expect them at your door in days. In fact, the hack to finding cheap foods on Amazon—that don’t come in Costco-sized packages—is to subscribe to these services.

We’ve compiled a list of affordable—but still good-for-you—grub below; each item on our list is under $9. Want healthy recipes, supermarket shopping guides, and essential nutrition tips at your fingertips? Subscribe to the new Eat This, Not That! magazine now! For a limited time, you can save 50 percent off the cover price—click here!

365 Everyday Value Organic Garbanzo Beans

365 Everyday Value canned chickpeas

PER ½ CUP: 120 calories, 2 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 85 mg sodium, 20 g carbs (6 g fiber, 1 g sugar), 6 g protein

Chickpeas, the base of one of our favorite spreads (hello, hummus!), is one of our 10 Canned Foods You Should Always Keep In Your Pantry for good reason. The versatile legume is packed with six grams of plant protein and six grams of blood-sugar-stabilizing fiber per serving, lending your soups, stews, and dips a potent nutritional punch.

$0.99 per 15.5-oz can at Amazon Fresh

Wild Planet Albacore Fillets in Spanish Olive Oil

Wild Planet albacore tuna in olive oil

PER 2 OZ: 200 calories, 18 g fat (3 g saturated fat), 230 mg sodium, 0 g carbs, 11 g protein

Rife with heart-healthy omega-3 fats and robust Mediterranean flavor, these sustainably-caught tuna fillets will become your go-to protein. Add a serving to spice up your salads or craft it into a filling sandwich.

$4.93 per 4.5-oz jar at Amazon Prime

FlapJacked Buttermilk Protein Pancake and Baking Mix

Flapjacked buttermilk protein baking mix

PER ½ CUP: 200 calories, 3.5 g fat (1.5 g saturated fat), 350 mg sodium, 23 g carbs (5 g fiber, 6 g sugar), 20 g protein

Spruce up your Sunday brunch with FlapJacked’s buttermilk mix. Whether you’re making waffles, pancakes, muffins, or doughnuts, this mix has a solid amount of both protein and fiber to keep you full for way longer than your local diner’s flapjacks would.

$6.42 per 12-oz bag at Amazon Prime

Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein

Nutiva hemp protein powder

PER 3 TBSP.: 90 calories, 3 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 0 mg sodium, 9 g carbs (8 g fiber, 1 g sugar), 15 g protein

Nutiva cold-processes its Canada-sourced hemp so that it retains its natural omega-3 fats and potent antioxidants. And unlike other protein powder options we’ve come across, this plant-based pick manages to sneak in an impressive eight grams of fiber, yielding a super-low net carb count.

$8.83 per 16-oz container at Amazon Prime

Nature’s Path Organic Qi’a Superfood Cereal, Cranberry Vanilla

Natures Path Qia superfood breakfast cereal cranberry vanilla

PER 2 TBSP.: 140 calories, 6 g fat (0.5 g saturated fat), 0 mg sodium, 14 g carbs (4 g fiber, 3 g sugar), 6 g protein

Organic chia seeds, buckwheat, and hemp provide all-day energy as well as belly-filling plant-based protein and fiber. Add the vanilla-infused blend to cereal, oatmeal, parfaits, and smoothies for an easy and nutritious boost.

$7.51 per 7.9-oz container at Amazon Prime

Nature’s Path Organic Envirokidz Brown Sugar Maple Oatmeal

Natures Path envirokidz brown sugar maple oatmeal

PER PACKET (32 G): 130 calories, 1.5 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 65 mg sodium, 25 g carbs (3 g fiber, 6 g sugar), 4 g protein

Get your kids (or your inner child) pumped about oatmeal with this low-sugar, maple syrup-spiked hot cereal. It’s made with gluten-free rolled oats and ancient grains such as amaranth and quinoa and is free of any preservatives and additives.

$5.39 per 9-oz box at Amazon Prime

Organic Strawberries

Organic strawberries

study in the journal PLoS One discovered that organically-grown strawberries contain more antioxidants—namely, ascorbic acid (or vitamin C) and phenols—as well as a longer shelf life than their non-organic counterparts.

$6.99 per pound at Amazon Fresh

365 Everyday Value Black Beans, No Salt Added

Whole Foods canned black beans

PER ½ CUP: 110 calories, 0 g fat, 10 mg sodium, 21 g carbs (7 g fiber, 1 g sugar), 7 g protein

For just 79 cents a can, you can whip up a hearty black bean chili, tasty dip, or creamy soup that’s brimming with cholesterol-lowering fiber, bone-protecting calcium, and mood-regulating magnesium.

$0.79 per 15-oz can at Amazon Fresh

Junkless Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Chewy Granola Bars

Junkless peanut butter chocolate chewy bars

PER BAR (31 G): 130 calories, 5 g fat (1 g saturated fat), 85 mg sodium, 20 g carbs (2 g fiber, 5 g sugar), 3 g protein

Remember when granola bars were all the rage before protein bars usurped the packaged snack scene? Well, these Junkless bars are swimming into the spotlight, thanks to their uber-clean ingredients and irresistible flavors.

$5.99 per 6-count at Amazon Prime

Red Bell Pepper

Red bell pepper

Rather than becoming a bedridden victim to cold and flu season, fight the bugs by filling your fridge with red bell peppers. Just one medium pepper contains 253 percent of your daily value of vitamin C—that’s about 70 milligrams more than your average orange!

$1.99 per pepper at Amazon Fresh

Halo Top Red Velvet

Halo Top red velvet

PER ½ CUP: 90 calories, 3 g fat (1 g saturated fat), 120 mg sodium, 14 g carbs (3 g fiber, 7 g sugar, 4 g sugar alcohol), 6 g protein

As one of Halo Top’s more indulgent flavors, this red velvet pick is like cake in a pint! Just remember to stick to one serving size—ice cream is still a dessert rather than a meal replacement.

$5.99 per pint at Amazon Fresh

Siggi’s Orange and Ginger Skyr

Siggis orange ginger skyr yogurt

PER CONTAINER (150 G): 100 calories, 0 g fat, 55 mg sodium, 11 g carbs (0 g fiber, 9 g sugar), 14 g protein

There are plenty of reasons to pick siggi’s over other yogurt brands: It uses clean and few ingredients; is always low in sugar; and satisfies with a thick, heavenly texture. The fact that siggi’s offers a sweet and spicy orange ginger flavor is another perk.

$1.99 per 5.3-oz container at Amazon.com

Beyond Meat’s The Beyond Burger

Beyond Meat beyond burger

PER 4-OZ PATTY: 290 calories, 22 g fat (5 g saturated fat), 450 mg sodium, 6 g carbs (3 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 20 g protein

Vegetarians and omnivores rave over this revolutionary plant-based burger that looks, cooks, and tastes like the real thing. The patty’s meat-like taste and texture, as well as its stellar protein count, helped us to deem it the best veggie burger to line the meat aisle.

$4.99 per ½ pound at Amazon Fresh

Field Trip Original Beef Jerky

Field trip original beef jerky

PER 1 OZ: 80 calories, 1 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 390 mg sodium, 4 g carbs (1 g fiber, 3 g sugar), 14 g protein

Field Trip’s Original beef jerky uses grass-fed cows for a snack that’s lean and packed with metabolism-boosting protein. Leave a pack in your office desk drawer to keep your tummy satisfied until dinnertime. Like protein snacks? You’ll find Field Trip’s jerky along with dozens of other options in our round-up of The 25 Best High Protein Snacks at the Supermarket.

$5.31 per 2.2-oz bag at Amazon Prime

Alvarado St. Bakery Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread,

Alvarado St bakery sprouted whole wheat bread

PER SLICE: 90 calories, 0 g fat, 180 mg sodium, 17 g carbs (2 g fiber, 1 g sugar), 5 g protein

Looking for a loaf you can enjoy without feeling like your diet just took a nosedive? This sprouted, organic whole wheat bread is the perfect base that’ll hold up to lean meats, crunchy veggies, and a swipe of creamy mayo.

$4.41 per 24-oz loaf at Amazon.com

365 Everyday Value Sliced Beets, No Salt Added

365 Everyday Value beets

PER ½ CUP: 40 calories, 0 g fat, 25 mg sodium, 8 g carbs (1 g fiber, 6 g sugar), 0 g protein

With just two non-GMO ingredients (beets and water) and zero added sodium, these canned beets are an inexpensive way to spruce up soups, salads, and side dishes alike.

$1.19 per 15-oz can at Amazon Prime Pantry

Wild Planet Wild Sardines in Marinara Sauce

Wild Planet sardines in marinara

PER 2 OZ: 70 calories, 3 g fat (1 g saturated), 220 mg sodium, <1 g carbs (0 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 9 g protein

Wild-caught sardines are farther down in the food chain, so they’re lower in mercury than other fish you’d find in the supermarket such as salmon. Plus, the fatty fish is a prime source of omega-3s, calcium, iron, and potassium.

$2.31 per 4.4-oz can at Amazon Prime Pantry

Skinny Dipped Almonds, Dark Chocolate Espresso

Skinny dipped almonds dark chocolate espresso

PER 1.2 OZ: 180 calories, 15 g fat (2.5 g saturated), 100 mg sodium, 10 g carbs (5 g fiber, 6 g sugar), 7 g protein

Unlike other chocolate-covered nuts, Skinny Dipped’s almonds boast only 6 grams of sugar per serving and omit artificial additives from their ingredient list.

$4.85 per 3.5-oz bag at Amazon.com

Hilary’s Organic Adzuki Bean Burger

Hilarys adzuki bean burger

PER 3.2-OZ PATTY: 180 calories, 7 g fat (5 g saturated fat), 270 mg sodium, 25 g carbs (4 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 4 g protein

Baked with nutrient-dense superfoods such as organic whole grain millet, adzuki beans, quinoa coconut oil, onion, and sweet potatoes, this plant-based patty is as delicious as it is nutritious. If you’re looking to spice up your lunch—literally—grill this cumin- and chili-spiked pick.

$3.99 per 2-pack at Amazon Fresh

Bubly Sparkling Water

Bubly sparkling water

PER 12-OZ CAN: 0 calories, 0 g fat, 10 mg sodium, 0 g carbs, 0 g protein

For a refreshing drink that won’t cost you any calories, grab a case of bubly, Pepsi’s new line of calorie-free sparkling waters. Much like La Croix, this fizzy drink is free of added sweeteners and full of natural, fruity flavor.

$7.16 per 18-pack at Amazon.com

365 Everyday Value Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil Non-Stick Cooking Spray

365 Everyday Value organic olive oil spray

PER ⅓-SECOND SPRAY: 0 calories, 0 g fat, 0 mg sodium, 0 g carbs, 0 g protein

Rather than dousing your pan with butter, spritz this organic olive oil spray on your cookware to prevent spending extra time scrubbing. Although we love olive oil for its heart-healthy benefits, one tablespoon racks up 120 calories, as opposed to this additive-free spray, which is calorie-free.

$4.99 per 5-oz can at Amazon.com

Rhythm Superfoods Original Kale Chips

Rhythm superfoods kale chips

PER ½ PACKAGE: 150 calories, 8 g fat (0.5 g saturated fat), 200 mg sodium, 12 g carbs (4 g fiber, 3 g sugar), 6 g protein

Many vegetable-based chips are jam-packed with hydrogenated oils and sketchy dyes, fooling snackers with their bright health halo and good-for-you guise. Luckily, this superfood snack isn’t sneaky. It’s made with air-crisped kale and flavored with organic herbs, seeds, and spices.

$4.80 per 2-oz bag at Amazon Fresh

Purely Elizabeth Original Ancient Grain Granola

Purely Elizabeth original granola

PER ⅓ CUP: 140 calories, 6 g fat (3.5 g saturated fat), 105 mg sodium, 18 g carbs (2 g fiber, 6 g sugar), 3 g protein

Granola cereals usually get a bad rap because they’re brimming with sugar and calories, but Purely Elizabeth’s blend is packed with calorie-dense grains for good reason. With organic gluten-free oats, amaranth, quinoa, sunflower seeds, and blood-sugar-regulating cinnamon, you can feel good about sprinkling this pick onto a parfait.

$8.13 per 12-oz bag at Amazon.com

Good Culture Organic Classic Cottage Cheese

Good culture organic plain cottage cheese

PER 1/2 CUP: 90 calories, 4.5 g fat (3 g saturated fat), 355 mg sodium, 3 g carbs (0 g fiber, 3 g sugar), 14 g protein

Yogurt isn’t the only probiotic-packed tub you can find in the dairy aisle. Good Culture’s organic cottage cheese is filled with live and active cultures for a healthy gut, sprinkled with just Celtic sea salt, and free of thickening agents such as carrageenan.

$5.10 per 16-oz tub at Amazon Fresh

Alter Eco Dark Blackout Organic Chocolate

Alter eco dark blackout

PER 5 SECTIONS: 250 calories, 22 g fat (13 g saturated fat), 0 mg sodium, 11 g carbs (5 g fiber, 6 g sugar), 3 g protein

Swap your midnight Milky Way bar for a few squares of Alter Eco’s antioxidant-packed chocolate. Not only does this fair-trade dark bar come packed with less sugar and more fiber than your average cocoa, one serving size also provides you with 40 percent of your daily recommended amount of anemia-fighting iron.

$7.00 per 2.82-oz bar at Amazon Prime

Frontera Chicken Fajita Bowl

Frontera Chicken Fajita Bowl

PER CONTAINER: 260 calories, 2.5 g fat (0.5 g saturated fat), 700 mg sodium, 36 g carbs (8 g fiber, 8 g sugar), 22 g protein

For a Mexican-style lunch that doesn’t require a trip to the supermarket or extra time slaving over the stovetop, add Frontera’s fajita bowl to your cart. It’s stacked with lean chicken, satiating grains, and fire-roasted peppers for a sweet kick.

$5.04 per 11.3-oz container at Amazon Fresh

Vea Snacks World Crisps, Andean Quinoa and Spices

Vea world crisps andean quinoa and spices

PER 18 CRISPS: 130 calories, 4 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 180 mg sodium, 23 g carbs (2 g fiber, 2 g sugar), 2 g protein

Andes-sourced red quinoa, whole-grain wheat flour, lime juice, and cayenne are baked into these textured crisps that’ll rival your go-to cracker. Top with avocado slices and cottage cheese for a filling snack.

$3.68 per 5-oz bag at Amazon Fresh

Krave Pink Peppercorn Beef Jerky

Krave pink peppercorn beef jerky

PER 1 OZ: 90 calories, 1.5 g fat (0.5 g saturated fat), 280 mg sodium, 8 g carbs (0 g fiber, 7 g sugar), 10 g protein

Stuff this into your gym bag for a potent protein punch post sweat sesh. Krave’s minimally-processed jerky packs in 10 grams of the muscle-building macro for under 100 calories.

$6.30 per 2.7-oz bag at Amazon.com

Munk Pack Oatmeal Fruit Squeezes, Apple Quinoa Cinnamon

Munk Pack oatmeal squeeze

PER TUBE: 90 calories, 1 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 0 mg sodium, 19 g carbs (3 g fiber, 10 g sugar), 2 g protein

You won’t even have to convince your kids to eat their oatmeal when you toss this tube into their lunchboxes. Spiced with cinnamon and filled with fiber-rich whole grains, Munk Pack’s vegan fruit squeezes make for the perfect midday pick-me-up.

$5.03 per 3-pack at Amazon.com

Wonderful Pistachios, Roasted and Salted

Wonderful roasted and salted pistachios

PER ½ CUP WITH SHELLS: 150 calories, 13 g fat (1.5 g saturated fat), 135 mg sodium, 8 g carbs (3 g fiber, 2 g sugar), 6 g protein

Pistachios are the lowest-calorie and lowest-fat nut out there, but they definitely don’t skimp out on nutrition. They’re a natural source of cholesterol-lowering phytosterols as well as minerals such as bone-building calcium, metabolism-maintaining magnesium, depression-fighting zinc, and organ-protecting phosphorous.

$7.88 per 16-oz bag at Amazon Prime Pantry

365 Everyday Value Creamy Almond Butter

365 Everyday Value creamy almond butter

PER 2 TBSP: 190 calories, 17 g fat (1.5 g saturated fat), 0 mg sodium, 7 g carbs (3 g fiber, 2 g sugar), 7 g protein

For just $7 a jar, this might be the best deal you’ll find when it comes to all-natural almond butter. Whole Foods’ pick is made with 100 percent dry roasted almonds as the first and only ingredient and is free of added salt and sugar for a truly wholesome spread.

$6.99 per 16-oz jar at Amazon Prime Pantry

Just BARE Chicken Breast Fillets

Just Bare chicken breast filets

PER 4 OZ: 120 calories, 1.5 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 50 mg sodium, 0 g carbs, 26 g protein

Marinate these lean chicken breasts with a mixture of olive oil, minced garlic, and rosemary, and throw ’em on the barbie for a quick, high-protein weeknight dinner.

$5.16 per 14-oz pack at Amazon Fresh

GT’s Organic Kombucha, Gingerade

GTs kombucha gingerade

PER 8 FL OZ: 30 calories, 0 g fat, 10 mg sodium, 10 g carbs (0 g fiber, 2 g sugar), 0 g protein

Swimming with living probiotics, the fermented drink has been linked to improving stomach ulcers to preventing diseases and improving mood. Want to reap the benefits? Buy a bottle of GT’s ginger-infused kombucha and try it out for yourself.

$3.79 per 16-oz bottle at Amazon Fresh

Mrs. Thinsters Chocolate Chip Cookie Thins

Mrs Thinsters cookie thins

PER 5 COOKIES: 130 calories, 6 g fat (4 g saturated fat), 150 mg sodium, 19 g carbs (1 g fiber, 11 g sugar), 1 g protein

Always seem to char your chocolate chips or devour the entire package of cookie dough before popping it into the oven? These delectable cookie thins are made with real ingredients—vanilla, butter, and cane sugar—so you can throw in the apron and sit back with a glass of milk.

$7.11 per 16-oz bag at Amazon Prime

Zupa Noma Carrot Coconut Lime

Zupa soup

PER 12 OZ BOTTLE: 150 calories, 8 g fat (1.5 g saturated fat), 290 mg sodium, 19 g carbs (4 g fiber, 8 g sugar), 2 g protein

Most prepared soups contain upwards of 600 milligrams of sodium per serving yet Zupa’s refreshing pick bypasses the blood-pressure-spiking stuff and fills its bottle with superfoods such as organic turmeric, olive oil, and coconut milk instead.

$6.02 per 12-oz bottle at Amazon Fresh

Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Tortillas

Ezekiel sprouted grain tortillas

PER TORTILLA: 150 calories, 3.5 g fat (0.5 g saturated fat), 140 mg sodium, 24 g carbs (5 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 6 g protein

Spread this high-fiber, sprouted whole-grain wrap with homemade hummus and then stuff with roasted veggies and top with feta cheese for a deliciously lean lunch that’s sure to keep you satiated until suppertime.

$3.70 per 6-count at Amazon Fresh

Kite Hill Chive Cream Cheese Style Spread

Kite Hill chive cream cheese style spread

PER 1 OZ: 78 calories, 7 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 170 mg sodium, 2 g carbs (0 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 3 g protein

With cheese being the biggest food source of saturated fat in the American diet, you might want to look into dairy-free alternatives to help slash your risk of heart disease. Kite Hill’s chive-infused spread tastes just like the real thing (seriously!) and would make the perfect addition to whole-grain crackers or that occasional everything bagel.

$5.99 per 8-oz tub at Amazon Fresh

365 Everyday Value Chunk Light Tuna in Water, No Salt Added

Whole Foods chunk light tuna in water

PER 2 OZ: 65 calories, 0 g fat, 100 mg sodium, 0 g carbs, 15 g protein

Canned tuna may be one of the cheapest proteins around, but many cans are lined with hormone-disrupting BPA and doused in salt. This wholesome can is BPA-free, only contains 100 milligrams of naturally-occurring sodium, and is lower in mercury than regular tuna.

$1.99 per can at Amazon Fresh

Nature’s Path Organic Pumpkin Seed + Flax Granola

Natures Path organic pumpkin flax granola

PER ¾ CUP: 260 calories, 10 g fat (1.5 g saturated fat), 45 mg sodium, 37 g carbs (5 g fiber, 10 g sugar), 6 g protein

This organic omega-3-packed granola marries whole grain crunch with the aromatic flavors of molasses and cinnamon for a sweet start to your day.

$3.29 per 11.5-oz box at Amazon Fresh

365 Everyday Value Organic Spring Mix

Whole Foods organic spring mix

Build a better salad with Whole Foods’ organic spring mix that blends antioxidant-packed greens such as chard, radicchio, arugula, and spinach.

$1.99 per 4-oz pack at Amazon Fresh

Quaker Steel-Cut Oats

Quaker steel cut oats

PER ¼ CUP: 150 calories, 2.5 g fat (0.5 g saturated fat), 0 mg sodium, 27 g carbs (4 g fiber, 1 g sugar), 5 g protein

With 5 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber per serving and just one heart-healthy ingredient (100 percent whole-grain oats), you’ll want to start your mornings with this oatmeal more often. (Perhaps in one of these 50 Overnight Oats Recipes for Weight Loss?) Stir with a teaspoon of maple syrup, chia seeds, and a handful of slivered almonds to punch up the flavor factor.

$3.88 per 30-oz container at Amazon Prime Pantry

Pacific Foods Organic Free Range Chicken Broth

Pacific organic chicken broth

PER CUP: 10 calories, 0 g fat, 570 mg sodium, 1 g carbs (0 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 1 g protein

Spice up your soups and add zest to your stews with Pacific’s free-range organic chicken broth. Major bonus: This carton doesn’t sneak in additives such as appetite-spiking MSG or caramel color like other commercial brands do.

$2.99 per 32-oz carton at Amazon Fresh

Enlightened Roasted Broad Bean Crisps, Garlic & Onion

Enlightened bean crisps garlic onion

PER 1 OZ: 100 calories, 2.5 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 130 mg sodium, 15 g carbs (5 g fiber, 1 g sugar), 7 g protein

If you’re an avid snacker and love finding new alternatives to nuts and seeds, these seasoned broad bean crisps will become your go-to. Nosh on these on their own, toss them on salads, or sprinkle them into soups for an added dose of plant protein and fiber.

$8.49 per 3.5-oz bag at Amazon Prime

Nutiva Organic Black Chia Seeds

Nutiva organic black chia seeds

PER 1 TBSP.: 60 calories, 3 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 0 mg sodium, 5 g carbs (5 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 3 g protein

Chia seeds were usually one of our superfood splurges—until we came across this super steal! The viscid seed packs in omega-3 fats, a wonderful fiber to protein ratio, and zero net carbs, deeming it the perfect pantry staple, especially if you’re going keto.

$5.69 per 32-oz bag at Amazon Prime

Breyers Delights Cookies & Cream

Breyers Delights cookies and cream light ice cream

PER ½ CUP: 82 calories, 2.25 g fat (1.5 g saturated fat), 65 mg sodium, 18.25 g carbs (< 1 g fiber, 6.75 g sugar), 5 g protein

Halo Top, meet your match: Breyers Delights’ cookies and cream flavor tastes like the real thing and packs in only 330 calories and a whopping 20 grams of protein per pint! Instead of dunking sandwich cookie after sandwich cookie, grab this truly delightful treat instead.

$5.24 per pint at Amazon Fresh

Organic Gala Apples

Gala apples

Since conventionally-grown apples are sprayed with more pesticides than many other fruits (they’re on the Dirty Dozen list), it’s important to go organic. Add these organic gala apples to your cart to ensure your midday snack is free of unnecessary chemicals and jam-packed with antioxidants.

$5.99 per 3-lb. bag at Amazon Fresh

Gardenburger The Original Veggie Burger

Gardenburger original veggie burger

PER PATTY: 110 calories, 3 g fat (1.5 g saturated fat), 490 mg sodium, 16 g carbs (4 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 5 g protein

Made with three types of mushrooms and two types of cheeses, this veggie burger seriously tastes like mushroom pizza. Stack it between two slices of sprouted toast and fresh tomato slices for a delicious dinner that’s ready in minutes.

$3.27 per 10-oz box at Amazon Fresh

Wickedly Prime Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips

Wickedly Prime sweet potato tortilla chips

PER 1 OZ: 140 calories, 7 g fat (1 g saturated fat), 50 mg sodium, 18 g carbs (2 g fiber, 2 g sugar), 2 g protein

These low-sodium, Amazon-brand tortilla chips aren’t like your average salsa vessel. They’re loaded with chia, flax seeds, and black sesame seeds for healthy fats and a hint of sweet potato for bright flavor.

$3.99 per 13-oz Bag at Amazon Prime Pantry

Mary’s Gone Crackers Super Seed Everything

Marys gone super seed everything crackers

PER 12 CRACKERS: 150 calories, 7 g fat (1 g saturated fat), 220 mg sodium, 18 g carbs (3 g fiber, 0 g sugar), 3 g protein

Ditch the cardboard-esque crackers and go with Mary’s Gone instead. They’re baked with flax, poppy, and pumpkin seeds, and serve up a solid amount of inflammation-fighting fats.

$4.99 per 5.5-oz bag at Amazon Prime

Crazy Richard’s Crunchy Peanut Butter

Crazy Richard chunky peanut butter

PER 2 TBSP.: 190 calories, 16 g fat (2 g saturated fat), 0 mg sodium, 7 g carbs (3 g fiber, 1 g sugar), 8 g protein

Call it crazy, but Crazy Richard’s refuses to make its rich peanut butter with anything other than peanuts. This one simple ingredient renders a spread that’s high in protein and healthy fats, sodium-free, and delicious on practically anything. Use it in one of these 40 Healthy Snack Ideas to Keep You Slim.

$4.34 per 16-oz jar at Amazon.com


Low Sodium Dieting

Skip the saltshaker and learn how to enjoy your meals while limiting your sodium intake.
various low sodium foods

Following a low-sodium diet is is something that many people strive to do in order to support their health. After all, consistent overconsumption of sodium is linked to many health problems, including developing high blood pressure and kidney damage. And keeping sodium intake at an appropriate level can help people live healthier lives.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults limit their sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrams per day, a far cry from the 3,400 mg the average American consumes daily. (In fact, 90% of Americans eat too much salt.) Excessive amounts of salt can be found in many packaged and prepared foods, so tweaking your diet to decrease sodium intake can be challenging.

Snacks like chips and pretzels are common high-salt culprits, but there are many less-obvious sources of sodium in the diet, such as chicken and turkey, pasta dishes, bread and condiments.

If you are starting a low-sodium diet, this guide will help you navigate a new way of eating.

How Much Sodium Is in a Low-Sodium Diet?

The term “low-sodium diet” means exactly what it says: it’s a diet that includes a low sodium intake.

The definition of “low sodium” varies among expert panels and can change if a person has a specific disease, such as chronic kidney disease.

For the average healthy person, the American Heart Association recommends no more than 2,300 mg of sodium per day, with an ideal limit of 1,500 mg per day for most adults, especially for those with high blood pressure.

However, the amount recommended for you may change, depending on your health and family history. If you have a health condition such as chronic kidney disease or type 2 diabetes, talk to your doctor about the limit that’s right for you.

Benefits of a Low-Sodium Diet

Sodium is a frequent addition to many foods that we eat, oftentimes in the form of table salt. Having some salt in your diet is important, as this mineral plays a role in many body processes, including fluid balance, nerve impulses and muscle contraction. Plus, table salt can enhance the flavor of certain foods and can help make mealtime more enjoyable.

But consuming too much sodium can be unhealthy, potentially leading to high blood pressure and related health problems. Conversely, sticking to a low-sodium diet is linked to many health benefits, including:

  • Healthy blood pressure
  • Reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease
  • Improved brain health
  • Healthy renal (kidney) function

People who follow a low-sodium diet may also experience short-term effects, such as feeling less bloated or having less thirst, research shows.

General Guidelines for Cutting Down on Sodium Intake

So, you want to limit your sodium intake, but where do you start? About 70% of the salt consumed comes from restaurant, prepackaged and processed foods, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which can make cutting down difficult.

The good news is that you don’t have to give your diet a complete overhaul. Instead, small swaps and tweaks can be incredibly impactful when it comes to trying to reduce your sodium intake.

For people who are starting their low-sodium diet, here are some general tips to consider:

  • Don’t add salt to your dishes until you taste your meal.
  • To amp up the flavor in a dish, try adding more herbs and spices instead of salt.
  • Make homemade soup instead of reaching for canned options.
  • Try MSG, which offers a similar flavor as table salt, but with around 60% less sodium.
  • Use your own combo of olive oil and vinegar to top salads instead of pre-made dressings.
  • Rinse canned vegetables and beans with water before enjoying them, or opt for “no salt added” varieties.
  • Choose fresh meat instead of ultra-processed options like sausage, bacon, jerky and deli meats.
  • Make a habit of reading food labels, which will help you choose low-sodium foods.
  • When dining out, request that salt not be added to your dish.
  • Limit fast-food meals, as most contain substantial amounts of added salt.

A Low-Sodium Foods List to Follow

Finding foods that are lower in sodium can be done with a little know-how. Typically, foods that are enjoyed in their closest-to-natural form will be lower in sodium than those that are more processed. To get you started, here are some top-pick low-sodium foods that should be on a low-sodium diet rotation.

Keep in mind some of these foods may be rich in minerals that people with chronic kidney disease may need to limit (like potassium). As such, you should always consult with your health care provider before starting any diet.

Fruits & Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables that are enjoyed fresh or freeze-dried are delicious without any added salt or sodium. Frozen veggies can be enjoyed on a low-sodium diet if they are not made with a salty sauce. Plain frozen fruits and vegetables are fantastic additions to a low-sodium diet.

When it comes to canned fruit, salt is very rarely added. As for canned vegetables, opting for “no added salt” options is the best way to go.

Some good produce choices include:

  • Apples
  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Potatoes
  • Asparagus
  • Mushrooms
  • Mangoes
  • Watermelon
  • Oranges
  • Spinach


As long as the grain dishes you eat are not made with added salt or any salty ingredients (such as soy sauce), most grains can be important parts of a low-sodium diet. Some nutrient-dense choices include:

  • Quinoa
  • Sorghum
  • Brown rice
  • Whole-grain pasta
  • Oats


Protein plays many important roles in the body and, thankfully, many protein sources are naturally sodium-free. Smoked, cured and preserved meats are typically riddled with salt or sodium-packed ingredients. However, fresh cuts of beef, chicken, eggs, fish and other proteins are OK when following a low-sodium diet.

Some protein sources to enjoy when you are limiting your sodium include:

  • Fresh cuts of chicken, beef, pork and fish
  • Eggs
  • Dried beans
  • Unsalted nuts and peanuts
  • Hummus


Many dairy foods are chock-full of magnesium, potassium and calcium, nutrients that support healthy blood pressure. But certain dairy foods, such as many cheeses, can be loaded with sodium, too. Thankfully, there are some delicious dairy foods that are low in sodium and jam-packed with nutrients, including:

  • Milk
  • Unflavored half & half
  • Yogurt
  • Swiss cheese
  • Unsalted butter
  • Kefir


Healthy fats are an important part of a healthy diet. Certain options can also be loaded with antioxidants and key vitamins, such as vitamin E. Some healthy fat sources that are perfectly acceptable on a low-sodium diet include:

  • Olive oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Avocados
  • Oily fish, such as salmon, tuna and sardines
  • Chia seeds, flaxseeds and hempseeds
  • Unsalted nuts, including almonds, cashews, pistachios and peanuts and their nut butters

High-Sodium Foods to Watch Out For

Finding low-sodium foods that fit into a low-sodium diet is not an impossible task. From fresh fruit to baked chicken breast seasoned with fresh herbs, there are plenty of delicious foods that people on a low-sodium diet can enjoy.

However, if you’re following a low-sodium diet, some foods should be on your “once-in-a-while-foods” list, as they are notoriously high in sodium. In the United States, most sodium in the diet comes from packaged and restaurant foods. Eating more meals at home and sticking to fresher food options can be a great start when you are embarking on your low-sodium journey.

When it comes to specific foods, some items that are generally high in sodium and thus best to limit when you’re following a low-sodium diet, include:

  • Hot dogs
  • Ham
  • Canned pasta
  • Salted nuts
  • Pickles
  • Pretzels
  • Soy sauce
  • Teriyaki sauce
  • Frozen French bread
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Vegetable juice
  • Jarred pasta sauce

Bottom Line

About 90% of Americans 2 years old or older are eating far more than the recommended sodium limit. And with nearly half of all adult Americans having hypertension and 15% having chronic kidney disease, taking steps to keep sodium intake on the lower side should be prioritized.

Following a low-sodium diet doesn’t mean you have to live off of dry greens and plain chicken breast. Keeping foods like fresh fruit, unsalted nuts, yogurt and pasta on hand can help you live a lower-sodium lifestyle while continuing to enjoy your favorite foods. Adding herbs and spices like garlic, turmeric or freshly cracked pepper can satisfy your taste buds without even a grain of salt.

Enjoy a full day of low-sodium meals starting with Cinnamon Roll Overnight Oats in the morning, a Veggie & Hummus Sandwich at lunchtime and Chicken Cutlets with Sun-Dried Tomato Cream Sauce for dinner. You will feel satisfied and nourished while keeping your sodium intake under control at the same time.

Veggies, veggies, veggies!

Protect your heart with this colorful vegetable.


A whopping 116 million Americans have high blood pressure, which puts this huge proportion of people at an increased risk of experiencing some pretty scary health outcomes, like heart disease and stroke.

Needless to say, many people try to lower their blood pressure to help curb their risk of these potentially fatal effects. Some tried-and-true recommendations for managing blood pressure include limiting sodium intake, exercising, and following the DASH diet, or the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet. Within this diet, created specifically to lower blood pressure, people are encouraged to eat many heart-healthy foods, including vegetables.

How vegetables play a role in blood pressure regulation

Vegetables are typically chock-full of healthy blood pressure-supporting nutrients (like fiber) and are naturally low in sodium. Certain varieties of veggies are also natural sources of calcium, magnesium, and potassium: three minerals that are emphasized in the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet, as consuming them in adequate amounts helps support healthy blood pressure.

Eating more vegetables—regardless of the type—is always a good idea, regardless of whether you are trying to support a healthy blood pressure or otherwise. But if you are looking for the #1 best vegetable to include in your healthy blood pressure diet, beets deserve the grand prize.

Beets are the #1 vegetable for healthy blood pressure


Surprisingly sweet, beautifully colored, and incredibly versatile, the beloved veggie that is the shining star of salads paired with goat cheese, wraps, and even some fancy smoothies may not be top-of-mind when considering which food to eat when trying to keep your blood pressure healthy, but it should be. In fact, beets are one of the best foods you can possibly eat if you have high blood pressure.

Why beets?

Not only do beets check so many boxes when it comes to heart-healthy foods, including being naturally low in sodium, free from added sugars, and free from saturated fat, but they contain a slew of other important factors that satisfy guidelines when following the DASH diet, including being a source of the ever-important calcium, magnesium, and potassium minerals.

Beets also contain dietary nitrates: natural chemicals that are converted to nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator, which is a chemical that relaxes the inner muscles of your blood vessels and promotes an increase in blood flow. In turn, vasodilators like nitric oxide can help reduce blood pressure.

RELATED: One Major Effect of Eating Beets, Says Science

In clinical trials, data shows that drinking beetroot juice that is made from real beets may help reduce blood pressure. A systematic review and meta-analysis published in Frontiers in Nutrition showed that drinking beetroot juice within a range of 3 to 60 days improved systolic blood pressure among study subjects.

And according to results of a randomized crossover trial published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, consuming nitrate-rich vegetables, like beets, offered a positive effect on blood pressure measurements among young adults.

Food Health Benefits: Reasons to Eat Right

Diet is one of the three basic points of balanced health along with good quality sleep and physical exercise. Healthy eating based on lean meats, fruits, vegetables, cereals and skimmed dairy products improves the quality of life significantly. Here are the food health benefits you should know.

-Adequate body weight is maintained.

-Bones, muscles, and joints are strengthened.

-Physical and mental energy is gained.

-Greater mental concentration.

-Enjoy a good state of mind.

-Teeth are kept in optimal conditions.

-The skin remains silky and soft to the touch.

-Delays aging in general.

-The immune system is strengthened. Read more »

Healthy Living For a Healthy Life

Having a healthy living is the most important factor in our life. Most of us know that living with a healthy body is the best path to live happy, to feel better, and to look better. Healthy living will lead us to the point where we can enjoy life to the fullest until we grow old and will never experience anything that might harm us or give us pain.

In this article, we will take you in the world of healthy living and healthy lifestyle. It is very simple and yet it provides you the easiest way on how to develop yourself up for a better and healthy person. In addition, we will provide you essential information that can be incorporated to your everyday life.

At present, most of the people in the world have fear of different diseases, and we are commonly looking for the best prevention. One of the best preventive measures to avoid disease is a healthy diet. Remember that prevention is better than cure; this famous line can be applied to anything in this world.

Eating healthy foods is a vital factor to be away from some immeasurable diseases and to have a good condition of our body. Each one of us knows that eating healthy and having a regular exercise will leads us to a healthy lifestyle. There are a lot of healthy recipes that can be seen in some health magazines. Read more »

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